Student Life

Student Life

Community Expectations


Archbishop Carroll is a college preparatory school.  Yet no goal, even that of preparing for college, makes sense for a Christian outside our quest for closeness to God.  Everything we do—studying for a test, playing a sport, expressing ourselves artistically, or just enjoying each other’s company—is a chance to enjoy the gifts God has given us, and to experience God’s presence in our lives.  And that is a high school experience worth celebrating.



Respect for Self
Archbishop Carroll High School values all of its students and is deeply concerned with their total development. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to set expectations for personal integrity with the goal of encouraging students to appreciate their own talents and to take themselves and their academic pursuits seriously.

Respect for Others
One value of learning lies in understanding what knowledge can contribute to the community. It is expected that students will be open to learning, including learning about and respecting persons and cultures different from their own. Members of the community must act out of Christian charity and mutual respect to establish an atmosphere of trust, without which there is no community. Therefore, we expect the members of our community to behave toward one another with sensitivity, consideration, understanding, tolerance, and an active concern for the welfare of others. This looks and feels like showing respect for others regardless of race, creed, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or nationality and avoiding all forms of harassing or offensive behaviors.

Respect for PropertyStudent1
The mission we have as a college preparatory high school depends upon the responsible use of all property, including classroom spaces, furnishings, books, equipment, and community spaces. Respect for property also involves helping to foster a well-maintained environment: a sense of security, tranquility, and accomplishment. This principle requires students to respect personal and institutional property, inside and outside the Carroll community.

Respect for Authority
Authority derives its legitimacy from its commitment to act on behalf of the common good. At Carroll, that authority especially resides in the school administrators, its faculty, and staff each of whom has been charged with responsibilities essential to the orderly operation of our school. These people serve as leaders, and they teach by their example what Archbishop Carroll expects from all its members. In this respect, they help to define the atmosphere that supports and fosters our mission to Know, Love, and Serve God with purpose.